The MyoStress® Test

Enabling Rapid Detection for the Individualized Risk-Assessment and Management of Patients Suspected of Coronary Artery Disease

MyoStress® provides a 15-minute rapid and accurate stress test to help clinicians efficiently detect myocardial ischemia and assess the risk for coronary artery disease without requiring pharmacological stressors, contrast agents or exposure to radiation.

Superior Speed

+ 15-minute exam time
Generates report immediately
Rapid information to inform treatment decisions
Highly efficient protocol

Superior Accuracy

+ High statistical accuracy: 96% sensitivity and 88% specificity
Consistent results independent of user or scanner type
Results calibrated against a mechanical phantom

Immense Clinical Value

+ Helps physicians rule-out false positives and rule-in false negative CAD patients
Helps physicians to reduce unnecessary catheterizations
Optimize workflow and improve clinical efficiencies to reduce waste

Enhanced Patient Experience

+ Safe and non-invasive procedure
No pharmacological stressors
No contrast agents
No exposure to radiation

publication highlight

Leveraging Speed & Accuracy to Enable the First Ever Green & "Needle-free" Stress Test

A peer-reviewed study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology: Cardiovascular Imaging validated MyoStress for its ability to accurately detect myocardial ischemia using a hyperventilation breath-hold maneuver, providing a faster and safer stress test to help improve the diagnosis and management of coronary artery disease.

MyoStress Publications

Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis for the Value of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Strain to Predict Cardiac Outcomes
Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) is the gold standard for the diagnostic classification and risk stratification in most patients with cardiac disorders. The aim of the present study was to investigate the ability of Strain-encoded MR (SENC) for the prediction of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE).
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January 11, 2024
Layer-Specific Fast Strain-Encoded Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Aids in the Identification and Discrimination of Acute Myocardial Injury: A Prospective Proof-of-Concept Study
This study investigated the use of layer-specific fast strain-encoded cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (fSENC) for diagnosing and prognosticating acute myocardial injury in emergency department patients. It found that global longitudinal strain (GLS) and GLSdifference (the difference between epicardial and endocardial GLS) were effective predictors, with GLS showing a high diagnostic accuracy (AUC 91.8%) for myocardial injury. GLSdifference performed well in identifying non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) specifically (AUC 83.2%), and combining these measures with assessment of dysfunctional segments improved diagnostic performance further (AUC 87.5%). Incorporating fSENC into standard care enhanced overall diagnostic accuracy significantly (AUC 95.5%) compared to conventional methods alone. The study suggests that layer-specific strain analysis could serve as a valuable diagnostic tool for acute myocardial injuries, offering insights into prognosis and potentially guiding clinical management.
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January 1, 2024
Myocardial Inflammation and Fibrosis Are Associated With Reduced Strain in Collegiate Athletes Recovering From SARS-CoV-2
Several studies show a low (1-3%) but real risk of myocarditis in competitive athletes after SARS-CoV-2 infection.
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November 16, 2023
JACC Cardiovascular Imgaging