As much as 20% of traditional stress test results produce false positives or negatives.[1] MyoStrain performs a rapid and quantitative assessment of heart function to help reduce the number of unnecessary and suboptimal procedures made on false-positive and false-negative CAD patients.
In a 15-minute stress test, MyoStress™ helps physicians identify ischemic areas of the heart to rule-out healthy patients while ruling-in at-risk patients to determine a treatment plan best suited to the patient’s condition.[2]
In the ER today, many of the common cardiac diagnostic tools used provide little explanation for chest pain, and physicians must run several lengthy cardiac tests to find the cause of the patient’s discomfort.[3] These challenges can place constraints on the ER system, potentially leading to capacity issues, unnecessary procedures and suboptimal care.
MyoStrain’s rapid, accurate and non-invasive hyperventilation stress test MyoStress™ is designed to help improve detection, enhance workflow efficiency and optimize care in the ER. Physicians may potentially use MyoStress™ to quantitatively detect ischemia in high-risk chest pain patients while identifying heart dysfunction in lower to at-risk patients and directing them towards the most appropriate care decision.[3] Through this approach, MyoStrain and MyoStress may help to improve outcomes in the ER, enabling physicians to effectively triage their patients based on individual cardiac risk and reduce the number of unnecessary procedures performed.
In the ER today, many of the common cardiac diagnostic tools used provide little explanation for chest pain, and physicians must run several lengthy cardiac tests to find the cause of the patient’s discomfort.[3] These challenges can place constraints on the ER system, potentially leading to capacity issues, unnecessary procedures and suboptimal care.
MyoStrain’s rapid, accurate and non-invasive hyperventilation stress test MyoStress™ is designed to help improve detection, enhance workflow efficiency and optimize care in the ER. Physicians may potentially use MyoStress™ to quantitatively detect ischemia in high-risk chest pain patients while identifying heart dysfunction in lower to at-risk patients and directing them towards the most appropriate care decision.[3] Through this approach, MyoStrain and MyoStress may help to improve outcomes in the ER, enabling physicians to effectively triage their patients based on individual cardiac risk and reduce the number of unnecessary procedures performed.
In the ER today, many of the common cardiac diagnostic tools used provide little explanation for chest pain, and physicians must run several lengthy cardiac tests to find the cause of the patient’s discomfort.[3] These challenges can place constraints on the ER system, potentially leading to capacity issues, unnecessary procedures and suboptimal care.
MyoStrain’s rapid, accurate and non-invasive hyperventilation stress test MyoStress™ is designed to help improve detection, enhance workflow efficiency and optimize care in the ER. Physicians may potentially use MyoStress™ to quantitatively detect ischemia in high-risk chest pain patients while identifying heart dysfunction in lower to at-risk patients and directing them towards the most appropriate care decision.[3] Through this approach, MyoStrain and MyoStress may help to improve outcomes in the ER, enabling physicians to effectively triage their patients based on individual cardiac risk and reduce the number of unnecessary procedures performed.
[1] Arbab-Zadeh A. Stress testing and non-invasive coronary angiography in patients with suspected coronary artery disease: time for a new paradigm. Heart Int. 2012 Feb 3; 7(1): e2. doi: 10.4081/hi.2012.e2. [2] Riffel JH, Siry D, Salatzki J, Andre F, Ochs M, Weberling LD, et al. (2021) Feasibility of fast cardiovascular magnetic resonance strain imaging in patients presenting with acute chest pain. PLoS ONE 16(5): e0251040. [3] Ochs, Met al. J Am Coll Cardiol Cardiovasc Imaging.Apr 14, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcmg.2021.02.022.